Team Coaching

Reading time: 3 min

The “Team Coaching Course” is a course dedicated to all those who want key tools to facilitate the achievement of the objectives of a team.

To be able to attend the “Team Coaching course”, it is necessary to have first attended the “Course in Essential Coaching”.

Why should I register?

The “Team Coaching” course is a path recommended for you if you want:

  1. to move from a vision focused on the individual to a global vision
  2. to analyse and resolve conflicts within a team
  3. to develop mutual listening skills within a team

What you will learn

How to help a team to:

  1. identify areas for improvement to make the team more compact through the “Team Wheel
  2. understand and eliminate the 5 main dysfunctions that prevent a work group from becoming a team
  3. improve communication between team members and the rest of the organisation through the “Cascade Communication” model

How can you do it?

The course is based on the multiple theoretical lessons and practical exercises necessary to immediately experience in the classroom, on yourself and with your course colleagues, the effectiveness of the principles and tools of NLP.

Trainers and coaches present in the classroom will accompany you a discovery of these principles e instruments that you can apply immediately, to reach the goals of the team you belong to.

Other benefits

The 3 day Team Coaching course is internationally recognised by the Society of NLP ™.

The Society of NLP ™, founded in 1978 by the creators of NLP, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, exercises a quality control on training programs and levels of specialisation in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).