Business Coaching

Reading time: 3 min

The “Business Coaching Course” is the second level of international specialisation certified by the Society of NLP ™.

To be able to attend the course “Business coaching course”, it is necessary to have first attended the “Course in Essential Coaching”.

Why should I register?

The “Business Coaching” course is a path indicated for you if you want:

  1. to use proven methods and tools in the corporate world to help yourself and others solve problem situations
  2. to apply business coaching tools and techniques to define goals, remove obstacles and facilitate the implementation of action plans
  3. to master methods and tools to explain what it is, how it works and what benefits business coaching offers

Cosa imparerai?

You will learn how to help yourself, a person or a team to:

  1. manage problematic situations, improve information acquisition, problem mapping and analysis of objectives through the “SCORE” model
  2. how to define the objectives and use the “3Ps” model to favour the execution of the action plan through the “Clarity, Focus, Execution” model
  3. remove the obstacles that prevent the correct implementation of an action plan through the “5 Steps” model
  4. explain what business coaching is and how you can free a person’s potential through an “intake session

How can you do it?

The course is based on the multiple theoretical lessons and practical exercises necessary to immediately experience in the classroom, on yourself and with your course colleagues, the effectiveness of the principles and tools of NLP.

Trainers and coaches present in the classroom will help you to discover these principles and instruments that you can apply immediately, to achieve your aims and help customers, fellow workers and family members.

Other benefits?

The participant, at the end of the 3 days will receive, included in the course fee, the “Licensed NLP Coaching Practitioner” certificate issued by the Society of NLP ™, the original of which is signed by Richard Bandler.

The Society of NLP ™, founded in 1978 by the creators of NLP, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, exercises a quality control on training programs and levels of specialisation in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).