Master Practitioner in N.L.P.

Reading time: 3 min

The “Master Practitioner in NLP” is the second level of international specialisation certified by the Society of NLP ™.

To be able to attend the “Master Practitioner in NLP” course you must have first attended the “Practitioner in NLP” course.

Why should I register?

The ” Master Practitioner in NLP” is a path recommended for you if you want:

  1. to align spirituality, identity, values, beliefs, abilities and behaviours to live a rich and happy life
  2. to replace limiting beliefs with empowering beliefs to eliminate any interference and fully express your potential
  3. to use metaphors and stories to increase your persuasive ability and learn quick change techniques

What you will learn?

You will learn how:

  1. to analyse and codify examples of human excellence through the use of of “modeling“techniques
  2. to transform limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs through the use ofsleight of mouth
  3. to enrich the representation of one’s own world and others and obtain quality information from other people through the use of the “meta model” (Advanced)
  4. to understand the decision-making levers of your and your interlocutors through the analysis of our main “behavioural software” or Meta programs (Advanced)
  5. to help people to “reconnect” to what is really important for them through the extraction of values
  6. to align spirituality, identity, values, beliefs, skills, behaviours and the environment through logical levels
  7. to access empowering mental states that immediately produce concrete results throughstate management
  8. to value a person with precise messages at the level of identity through “sponsorship
  9. to modify and improve the mental representation of past and future events through the “time-line
  10. to mentally prepare yourself in a productive way to experience future events through “future pacing
  11. to induce states and transmit information or instructions through “stories inside stories
  12. to check and change your feelings through DHE (design human engineering)

How can you do it?

The course is based on many theoretical lessons and practical exercises that are necessary to immediately experience in the classroom, on yourself and with your course colleagues, the effectiveness of the principles and tools of NLP.

Trainers and coaches present in the classroom will help you to discover these principles and instruments that you can apply immediately, to achieve your aims and help customers, fellow workers and family members.

Other benefits?

The participant, at the end of the 8 days will receive, included in the course fee, the “Licensed NLP Coaching Practitioner” certificate issued by the Society of NLP ™ the original of which is signed by Dr. Richard Bandler.

The Society of NLP ™, founded in 1978 by the creators of NLP, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, exercises a quality control on training programs and the levels of specialisation in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).